The Church of Satan (book)

The Church of Satan: A History of the World's Most Notorious Religion is a book by Blanche Barton. It provides a history of the Church of Satan. The author is an administrator of the Church.

It was published in a 200 page paperback by Hell's Kitchen Productions on November 1, 1990.

A revised edition is currently in production by Blanche Barton and will include updated and expanded content.




  1. Let the Games Begin
  2. Diabolical Consequences
  3. The Modern Prometheus
  4. What Demons Conjured?
  5. Satanism in Theory and Practice
  6. Satan's Master Plan
  7. How to Perform Satanic Rituals
  8. Guidelines for Grottos and Groups


  1. Letters: "Many Are Called..."
  2. Satanic Music: That Old Black Magic
  3. Satanic Cinema: Down These Mean Streets...
  4. Further Reading: The Devil's Bookshelf

The book is dedicated to "Ben Hecht, Robert E. Howard, Rudyard Kipling, Robert Knox Hammersly, and Walt Disney, who made their Pacts."

"Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est."

The opening epigraph is the William Ernest Henley poem "Invictus".

Chapter one, "Let the Games Begin", opens with quotes from proponents and opponents of Satanism with illustrative examples of contemporary Satanic practice. It then provides reasons for (and the context into which) Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan (CoS) and the religion of Satanism.

The second chapter, "Diabolical Consequences", covers the media response to CoS activities and the notable personalities it attracted. The cultural and personal impact of Satanism are discussed, as is the mid-1970s re-organization of the Church.

Chapter three, "The Modern Prometheus", gives a biographical sketch of LaVey.

In chapter four, "What Demons Conjured?", a catalog of the CoS's influence on popular culture and occultism is presented; as are refutals to the claims of "Satanbusters" and "survivors of Satanic ritual abuse".

Chapter five, "Satanism in Theory and Practice", covers the unique nature of Satanism as (not just a religious identity, but) a theory of aesthetics and an ethnology. Reflections on the popularity of Satanic imagery are given. It reprints the "Nine Satanic Statements" and the "Nine Satanic Sins". LaVey responds to some of the frequent accusations against Satanism.

In the sixth chapter, "Satan's Master Plan", LaVey affirms "his commitment to destroy Christianity and herd mentality in all forms." It presents the "Five-Point Program" of Satanic goals to change the world. The "Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth" are reprinted, as is the "Hymn of the Satanic Empire".

The seventh chapter informs the reader on "How to Perform Satanic Rituals". It presents five "main elements...central to success" at achieving magical results. Several specific misconceptions of Satanism are then addressed. Advice on magical effectiveness and evading common snares are given.

The eighth and final chapter presents "Guidelines for Grottos and Groups". It begins with a description of a typical CoS ritual. LaVey's view of the desire to join groups and perform group rituals is given, with advice on what to watch out for (in a Satanic bunco tip sheet). Recommendations on how to meet other Satanists, start groups, name grottos, and execute rituals are given. LaVey encourages Satanists to "make pioneering discoveries and achievements" as a way of forcing "objective authorities... to see and acknowledge the quality, productivity and superiority of Satanic thought."

Four appendices are included: In "Letters: 'Many Are Called...'" a collection of sample letters the CoS has received is presented; "Satanic Music: That Old Black Magic"; "Satanic Cinema: Down These Mean Streets"; and "Further Reading: The Devil's Bookshelf".

Satanic music

In Appendix II, "Satanic Music: That Old Black Magic", a list popular songs dealing with "Satan and his tools", songs about suicide, and classical composers with Satanic associations are provided.

Devil songs

Suicide songs

Classical music

Satanic Cinema

Appendix III, "Satanic Cinema: Down These Mean Streets...", asserts that a "complete education in Satanic philosophy is available at your local video store." It provides a list of films included for being philosophically instructional; seeming to "delight those with a Satanic sense of irony, justice or aesthetics"; or for being "clear examples of the effect on technology, societal norms, and religion that the Church of Satan has had" over its history.

Further reading

In the fourth appendix, "Further Reading: The Devil's Bookshelf", a list works that "will provide food for discussion groups or diabolical rumination" is provided. The list is considered supplementary to the bibliography of The Satanic Witch.

